Still using an old purple hardware CabMaster license?

Change to new software technology now!

USB? Dongle? Hardware lock? Purple stick with the red light?

Whatever you call it, It’s so old school.

Hundreds of CabMaster users have already made the change from the old purple hardware licenses to our new software licenses!

With technology constantly changing, the days of hardware licenses are coming to an end, and it benefits us all to keep up with the latest advancements.

Our software licenses are often referred to as “cloud” but don’t worry – it really means hardware vs software license. This means that:

  • Your software is still installed locally on your computer
  • Your current drawings will still work
  • Your settings don’t change

Just replace your hardware license with a software license. It’s that simple!

The only thing that will change is that you won’t need to plug in your USB hardware license with the red light.

Keep it simple. Make the change to software licenses.

Ready to make the change?

Contact your local dealer to order your software licenses now!

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