Introducing PartMaster Software

PartMaster Software is the latest product from CabMaster Software.

It is a very flexible product that lets the user create their own parametric parts for almost any panel part.

With an easy to use, in-built formula creator/editor, you can create machining such as routes, holes or slots. You also have the option to create your own variables that can be used globally to control machining offsets.

Now it’s all up to you!

Parts from cabinets, ACM Panels, Acoustic panels and much more can be made to your specifications, and then saved to your library for later use.

We’ve recently uploaded a couple of demonstration videos for our new product PartMaster. You can watch the videos below!

Short Intro Video

Full-Length Demonstration Video

For more information on PartMaster Software, contact your local dealer or speak to our Sales Department via phone on +61 3 9040 2000 ext. 3 or email

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